1 slice of wholemeal bread or 2 toasts +2 tbsp. honey/jam or 2 tbsp. tahini or nut butter
1 slice of wholemeal bread or 2 toasts + 2 tbsp tahini or nut butter + 1 fruit
½ cup oat porridge (oats boiled in almond or soy milk) + 1 fruit or 3 tbsp. tahini or nut butter
1 Thessaloniki crispy bun and 30 gr cream cheese


2 portions of fruit
or 1 cup fruit juice


MONDAY Salad with seasonal vegetables of your choice + 2 cups of legumes
TUESDAY Salad with seasonal vegetables of your choice + 2 cups of legumes
WEDNESDAY Salad with seasonal vegetables of your choice + 1 cup green beans/peas + 2 potatoes + 1 cup plant-based cheese
THURSDAY 1.5 cups of spinach/green onion/cabbage rice + 1.5 cups of vegetable cheese
FRIDAY Salad with seasonal vegetables of your choice + 2 cups of meatballs or legume patties
SATURDAY Salad with seasonal vegetables of your choice + 1.5 cup pasta with 4 tbsp red sauce + 1.5 cup vegetable cheese
SUNDAY 3 potatoes the size of 1 egg + 1.5 cups of vegetables au gratin with 1 cup of vegetable cheese + 2 tbsp. vegetable cream


1 portion of fruit
30 g nuts or 1 cereal bar


MONDAY 1 large rusk + 1 grated tomato + 1 cup vegetable cheese
TUESDAY 1.5 cups of mushrooms + 0.5 tbsp. balsamic + 1/2 cup vegetable cheese + Salad + 4 large wholemeal breadsticks
WEDNESDAY 1 unsweetened vegetable yogurt + 1 cup whole grain + 1 fruit
THURSDAY Salad with 1 tomato + 1 cucumber + 1 sandwich or toast or Arabic + 2 slices of vegetable cheese
FRIDAY 1.5 cups of mushrooms + 2 tbsp. balsamic + 1/2 cup vegetable cheese + Salad + 4 large wholemeal breadsticks
SATURDAY Salad with 1 cup legumes + green leafy vegetables + 1 large nut + 1/2 cup plant-based cheese
SUNDAY 1 bowl with 1 fruit + 2 tbsp. tahini or nut butter + 1 cup oats + 1 cup plant-based milk


3 tbs or 9 tsps olive oil