• NUTRITION PLAN - 2100 CALORIES (vegetarian)


1 slice of wholemeal bread or 2 toasts with 1 kg of butter + 1 kg of honey or jam + 1 cup of 1.5% milk
1 slice of wholemeal bread or 2 toasts with 1 tbsp of tahini + 1 tbsp of honey + 1 cup of 1.5% milk
½ cup corn flakes or 4 tbsp oats + 1 cup milk 1.5% or 1 yogurt 2% + 1 fruit
2 slices of wholemeal bread or a Thessaloniki roll with 30 g. cream cheese or 1 slice of toasted cheese + 1 fruit or ½ glass of juice
1 medium piece of homemade pie or 2-3 small cheese pies + 1 fruit or ½ glass of juice


1 portion of fruit


MONDAY Green salad with 4 tbsp olive oil + 120 gr. low-fat cheese + 1.5 cups of vegetable risotto
TUESDAY Green salad with 2 tbsp olive oil + 1.5 cups of legumes + 1 slice of wholemeal bread
WEDNESDAY 2 cups of mushroom stew + 120 g cheese + salad
THURSDAY 2 cups vegetable risotto + 60 gr. low-fat cheese
FRIDAY 2 cups of legume and vegetable burger + 30 gr. cheese + salad
SATURDAY Salad with 4 tbsp olive oil + 1.5 cups pasta with red sauce + 2 tbsp low-fat cheese
SUNDAY Oily based dish (2 cups of beans, okra, peas) + 60 g of low-fat cheese + 1 slice of wholemeal bread


20 g nuts and 1 cereal bar


MONDAY 2 medium rusks + grated tomato + cucumber + 30 gr. low-fat cheese
TUESDAY 1 omelette with 2 eggs + vegetables + 3-4 wholegrain breadcrumbs
WEDNESDAY 1 yogurt 2% + 4 tbsp oats or ½ cup cereal
THURSDAY Salad with 2 tbsp olive oil + 1 sandwich or toast + 2 slices of cheese
FRIDAY Potato salad with 2 small potatoes the size of 1 egg + boiled vegetables of your choice + 60 g. cheese
SATURDAY Salad with 120 gr. cheese + 2 nuts or 4 tbsp croutons + 2 tbsp olive oil + 5 large olives + vinegar, lemon
SUNDAY Green salad + 60 gr. low-fat cheese + 1 boiled egg + 3-4 whole breadcrumbs


1 glass of milk