Lose pregnancy weight in healthy way

How soon should I start losing weight after giving birth?

A question that a new mother often has. Once you get home, let the first month of adjustment pass, where both baby and mom's schedule is a mess, and then get started. The longer the pregnancy weight remains on a woman, the more it consolidates (that is, the body gets used to it) and the more difficult it is for them to lose afterwards. However, it should be emphasized that you should not expect miracles and even if you lose some pounds, your body needs at least nine months to fully restore its pre-pregnancy image.


What to watch out for in losing weight after pregnancy

  • According to the WHO, a loss of around one kilogram per week is the ideal loss to ensure physical health. A more rapid loss increases fluid and muscle tissue losses, causing a decrease in basal metabolism, i.e. body fat burning.
  • Breastfeeding helps to lose weight more easily and to restore a woman's body image more quickly. After all, breastfeeding could energetically be considered as a form of mild exercise for a woman, since calories are lost through the milk she gives to her baby, and quite a few.
  • To ensure the nutrients required for the mother's adaptation to the mechanisms of milk production, much emphasis is placed on the increased energy requirements which are consistently about 500 calories more than those required for non-lactating women, as well as the increased need for calcium. . Good sources of calcium are low-fat dairy products.
  • We also get extra energy through the increased consumption of fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoiding drinking alcohol is best avoided, as is excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages (more than 4 cups of coffee).