Anaerobic exercise

Anaerobic exercise is the form of exercise that improves strength and builds muscle mass. Muscles exercised under anaerobic conditions develop differently, leading to better performance in short-duration, high-intensity activities.


There are many different methods of strength training, the most common of which are weight training and resistance training. External weights or our body weight can be used. Some common forms of anaerobic exercise are:


  • The yoga
  • Pilates
  • Weight training in the gym
  • trx etc.

Some benefits of anaerobic exercise are:

Increased strength: Anaerobic exercise increases the endurance of muscles, tendons and ligaments, reducing the chances of injury.

Skeletal health: Muscle strengthening helps increase bone hardness and strength and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Cardiac function: Exercises that strengthen the muscles improve the endurance of the heart muscle, enhance its good function and help to obtain better levels of lipids in the blood (eg increased HDL-cholesterol).

Weight loss: Anaerobic exercise helps maintain lean body mass. An organism with higher percentages of muscle mass has a faster metabolism, burning more calories. So muscle strengthening is essential in a weight loss intervention.

Better posture: Anaerobic exercise improves coordination and balance.