The Benefits of coffee

Coffee is part of the tradition of many countries and peoples - from the espresso of an Italian cafè to our traditional Greek or the most popular freddo espresso or freddo cappuccino. Today, thanks to the popularity of coffee, for many, coffee is a daily part of their lives.


Does coffee cause dehydration?

Although caffeine has a diuretic effect on the body, a cup of coffee consists of 98% water, so eventually the beverage partially hydrates our body, since fluid loss is compensated by the consumption of coffee.


How does caffeine work?

Caffeine is a natural stimulant, which when consumed directly affects the central nervous system. When we consume caffeinated beverages, caffeine binds to cellular adenosine receptors, suppressing the feeling of drowsiness, which in turn increases the levels of other neurotransmitters such as dopamine that increase alertness.

Other positive side effects of caffeine on our mind and body are increased metabolism, reduced fatigue, enhanced brain activity that controls memory and concentration, improved performance in both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Of course, if you drink coffee at the same time every day, the body develops tolerance, and coffee ultimately does not cause the same alertness,


Coffee and health

Studies show a positive effect of coffee on (reduced) body fat accumulation, improved gut health, and a link between coffee consumption and an increased likelihood of people exercising properly according to the recommendations for essential physical activity, which helps manage body weight. Coffee also contains polyphenols, substances with antioxidant activity that protect us from aging.


Nutrition facts

Seeing a nutritional analysis in a cup of filter coffee, we observe that it contains a negligible amount of calories and protein, while at the same time it is a source of potassium and magnesium. Of course, when we add sugar or milk to coffee, the calories increase. One cup of cappuccino (180 mL), in other words one double shot cappuccino, has 56 calories, and the latte 67 calories. For each teaspoon of sugar add another 16 calories.