Quitting smoking without weight gain

Quitting smoking for those who have more or less adopted this habit is a difficult but highly beneficial decision for our body and for those around us. Among the obstacles that exist in changing one's lifestyle and ceasing to include cigarettes in one's daily activities is the fear of the extra kilos that come as a consequence. Fear not though, weight gain is a possibility, but there are ways to avoid it and live a life free of both tobacco and excess weight!


How can I succeed?

  • First, changing bad habits is always difficult at first, since we have to uproot the old habit and allow the new habit to become our property. Accept that at the beginning of the venture there may be some ups and downs, have positive thinking and believe in yourself, and do not give up at the first difficulties.
  • Ask for the support of people close to you, as psychologically quitting smoking is likely to affect you negatively in the initial stages.
  • Smoking increases the metabolism only slightly, so your metabolism may slow down a bit once you quit, and this may lead to a little weight gain. You may also be tempted to eat more to keep your hands busy with food instead of cigarettes. However, most quitters gain less than 5 pounds, which they can lose very easily and quickly.
  • Using nicotine replacement aids can reduce your cravings for nicotine, so you don't end up snacking to try to ward off the urge to smoke.
  • It's tempting to eat on the occasions you smoke (night outs, breaks from work, etc.), but you may end up consuming more calories. By keeping your hands and mouth busy during these times by playing a game on your cell phone or chewing gum or going outside for some exercise, you minimize this effect.
  • There is research on foods and drinks and how they affect our desire to smoke. Smokers reported that drinking milk, water, natural juices, and eating fruits and vegetables negatively affected the taste of cigarettes. On the other hand, alcohol, coffee, caffeinated drinks and meat enhance the taste of cigarettes, thus favoring accompanying their consumption with smoking.
  • So, a proper diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, cheese, milk, dairy products in general, natural fruit juices, plenty of water, will be our best ally in the process of quitting smoking.
  • Also, on the other hand, it is recommended to avoid drinking alcohol, drinks and beverages containing caffeine such as coffee, black tea, chocolate and soft drinks.
  • Eat mindfully. Ask yourself if you are really hungry, pay attention to your food and how fast you chew.