Cellulite and diet

Cellulite refer to the changes in the lipid cell composition and the fibrous connective cords that tether the skin to the underlying muscle. The appearance and the degree of cellular is affected by diet, exercise and genetics.
Therefore, we can follow a healthy diet and still have cellulite. However, through healthy diet and exercise we can help not amplify the already existing cellulite appearance.

Basic healthy diet instructions include:


  • Consume a lot of water; 10-12 glasses of liquids of which 8-10 are water.
  • Emphasize on a balanced diet rich in nutrients.
  • Consume 5 portions of fruit and vegetables daily.
  • Select whole grain food.
  • Consume fish and legumes once a week.
  • Avoid added sugar and additional fat; Limit sugar, sweets as well as soft drinks and juices with sugar. Avoid frying, prefer other forms of cooking. Prefer good fat sources like olive oil, dry nuts and fatty fish.
  • Limit salt consumption. Avoid adding extra salt to food.
  • Restrict precooked/ready meals.
  • Avoid eating salted and pickled products.
  • Use herbs, spices, lemon or vinegar instead of salt.
  • Losing weight and fat in order to maintain a healthy body weight may be beneficial.
  • Lastly, exercise plays an important role in combating cellulite.
    Exercise at least 30 minutes a day five days a week, combining muscle tone exercise and aerobics, focusing on your legs and thighs.